Monday, February 14, 2011

Adjustable fuel injectors

in·no·va·tion the; v -s an improvement of an existing product.
If you think that innovations can only come from big names, such as AMG, Mugen or Nismo than you are wrong. Innovations can just as well come from regular people like you and me. A great example of this is the adjustable fuel injector.
We have recently gotten a tip from one of our Low Profile drivers from the supra world. The link he sent me was shocking. Somewhere in the back of a shed a guy has designed and patented a variable fuel injector.

If you dont know why this is so special then you should think about people that are increasing their cars in stages. At stage 2 you might need 800cc injectors, while you need to replace them for 1000 cc ones at stage 3. These injectors have adjustable internals which you can swich for a different one for just a fraction of the price of a regular one. The interesting thing is that because it is so cheap, it becomes worth it to find out what is your perfect flow rate.

We have had contact with the seller and the salesprice is around 35 euros a piece. The injectors can be ordered in the anount of cc you desire. In case you want to adjust the flow rate you can do this for 7.50 per injector. Currently he is also working on side feed injectors, so people with a JZ or RB enginee can also use it. In case there might be demand from the Honda world then he will develop some for them as well. Everybody that is interested can mail this to

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