Thursday, March 31, 2011

Creating over- and understeer

This time we will discuss over- and onderstuur. What is it? How can we create it. Almost everything you want to know about it will be discussed.


If a car understeers it is trying to go more to the outside of the corner, like this picture shows.

When a car is oversteering the rear wheels slip more to the outside of the corner in comparison to the front wheels. The driver can correct this buy steering away from the corner, but it might be that this unbalances the car. Ofcourse you can also use it to get ready for the next corner but this is a highly complex technique.
We will not tell you which one is better. One driver will prefer oversteer while the other one prefers understeer. This is completely to your own taste and when you adjust your car to it you might have some quicker laps the next time you will race.

Which brings us to our next point; What if you have a car that is understeering while you prefer to have it oversteering? The opposite might also apply. We have put all this data in a table for easy comparison.

PartDecrease understeerDecrease oversteer
Weight distributionCenter of gravity to rearCenter of gravity towards front
Front damperssofterstiffer
Rear dampersstiffersofter
front swaybarsofterstiffer
rear swaybarstiffersofter
Front tyreswidernarrower
Rear tyresnarrowerwider
Diameter of wheelsbiggersmaller
diameter of wheelssmallerbigger
tyre pressure frontdecreaseincrease
tyre pressure backincreasedecrease
Camber frontmore negativemore positive
Camber backmore positivemore negative
height of car frontlowerhigher
Hoogte auto achterhigherlower
Toe in frontlessmore
Toe in backlessmore

If you want to adjust your car for over and understeer or if you want to try to see what works the best we advice you to start with things that are the easiest to adjest. Tyrepressure is a nice way to see which one works better for you for example. With most cars toe in and toe out is also adjustable so that is also a way to work with. Only if you are sure then buy parts like spoilers and better swaybars.

Also pay attention to the fact that having a staggered wheel setup should not be done with 4wd cars, as this is not good for the handling.

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