Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Drift style bumper repairs

If you are drifting then sooner or later you will hit something. It happens with the pros and it happens with the amators as well. Nothing to be embarresed about but we will discuss what to do when your bumper is damaged by these actions. We will discuss the most popular options.


Repairing a bumper with tywraps is the most used option. You Have to keep the two parts near each other, drill some holes and put a tywrap through it. keep around 1 or 2 cm away from the crack to prevent it from tearing more. An advantage of tywraps is that you can use many colors so you can have some screaming color combos. Some drifters also install their bumpers with tywraps, as they break on collision, preventing the bumper from damaging during a crash.


A less seen way is to rivet your bumper. First cut out an aluminum plate in the shape of the crack. Then keep it in front of it and drill some holes. Afterwards keep the plate behind the crack and rivet it completly. Even thought the bumper will be a lot stronger people do not do this, as this is too much trouble. You have to bring more in the car while drifting Sheet metal, cutting machinge, drill, rivets, etc.

Tape is the easiest way and therefore increasing in popularity. Although people used to use packing tape they are currently switching to branded pakcingtape like the drift tengoku tape you see here. It is too easy to explain, just keep your bumper together and tape away. You need no tools at all and you can get this at any supermarket.


Similar to the tape method is stickers. Just get some big ones and put them over the crack. Most popular are the band aid stickers, but basically any type can be used. Most sticers are too small to have any use so this is mainly seen as a gimmick. 

Not fixing it

Some drifters decide not to fix it at all. Some like it, some think its a proof that they use the car for drifting, and others are just too lazu to fix it. An extreme form of this is the drift missile. This is a car made to crash and get as much damage as possible during drifting. Not everybody likes this, but it is the easiest thing you can do if you crash your car while drifting.

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