Thursday, November 18, 2010

Brake drift technique

In this post we will discuss the brake drift technique. The brake drift technique is basically maintaining grip on the front wheels, while the rear ones exceed their grip. This technique is good for cars that are oversteering at the beginning of the track while they are understeering at the end.

The technique is pretty easy. Insteado of braking in the corner you have to brake powerful before the corner. at this point you will turn in. Because the front tyres can do their job better when the center of gravity is in the front. The car is not heavier, so it is easier to make the corner. Timing is important here though. If you steer too early you will exceed the amount of grip and you will understeer, if you steer in too late, the center of gravity has already too far to the front and therefore you cant use the improved traction. The perfect zone is different for every car.

When having the weight in the front of the car you can break out easier, as there is less weight on the rear wheels. You can also modify this by making your rear suspension softer. If you are yousing the ebrake, throttle off or the shift lock technique you will break traction by making the wheels turn slower. As we are talking about a drift where you have to brake, you can better use a decelerating drift technique. Only accelerate when the car is already in a drift.

From this point on it is the key to make the rear end go a bit faster than the front end. This must be done with little bits per time, and it is important that this happens smoothly. A too big movement will result in spinning the car and a too weak movement will have as result that the car gets its grip again. Also bear in mind that this technique only works for 4 wheel drive cars and not front and rear wheel drive cars.

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