Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Trackcheck: san er zu touge

One of our members has been to the san er zu touge in China. Normally we would discuss the pro's and cons of the road and show some pictures, but as the Gopro HD motorsport had to be tested it was decided to make a video. If a picture sais more than a 1000 word, how much does a video say right?
The track itself is a touge that is more than 15 kilometers long and has over a 100 corners from hairpins to sweepers. There are just a few other roads on the mountain so you hardly meet a crossing and except for a Hotel and a tempel there are no buildings on the mountain. Because of this there is hardly any traffic on the mountain. The traffic that is on the mountain is familiar with tougerunners as they honk before every corner. Therefore you know when there will be a car on your track. But dont expect more than 3 cars per hour though.
Except for some concrete pillars there are no guard rails on the touge but don't expect to drop if you fly off the track as there are lots of small trees to prevent you from doing so. Finally watch out for the gutters on the sides of the road, they are about 60 cm deep and you can get stuck pretty badly if you do not watch out when trying to cut corners.
For everyone that is planning to arrange a car in china, the touge can be found here.